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Abstract  Abstract

Procedure for processing X flows of information symbols to be transmitted by Y communication channels, X and Y being positive integers, in which the Y communication channels simultaneously occupy a transmission resource organized in successive frames, in which the frames successive include frames in compressed mode that have at least one inactive period during which no symbol is transmitted, and in which the information symbols of each stream i, where 1 i X, are transmitted in the course of intervals of successive transmission time each comprising Fj consecutive frames, where Fi is a positive integer, and in which, for each interval of transmission time relative to a flow i, integers Ei, N TTI i and N cm i are defined such that Ei> 0, N cm i <0 if said transmission time interval comprises at least one frame in compressed mode and N cm i = 0 if said transmission time interval does not comprise no frame in compressed mode, the procedure comprising the following steps for each transmission time interval relative to a stream i: forming a first sequence (ci) of symbols encoded from information symbols of said outstanding flow of said time interval of transmission; forming a second sequence of symbols (hi) that include Ei + N TTI i + N cm i symbols extracted from the first sequence and -N cm i marked symbols; forming a third sequence of symbols (qi) by a permutation of the symbols of the second sequence; distributing the symbols of the third sequence in Fi segments of consecutive symbols, the Fi segments being respectively assigned to the frames of said transmission time interval; and for each frame of said transmission time interval, forming a fourth sequence (fi) of symbols extracted from the segment assigned to said frame, said permutation being and the placement of the symbols marked in the second sequence when said transmission time interval It comprises at least one frame in compressed mode such that each marked symbol belongs, in the third sequence, to a segment assigned to a frame in compressed mode, and the following steps for each frame: forming a fifth sequence of symbols (w) which it includes the symbols of the fourth sequence supplied by said frame with respect to each flow; distribute the symbols of the fifth sequence in Y segments of symbols, the Y segments respectively being assigned to the Y communication channels; for each communication channel, form a sixth sequence (uj) symbols extracted from the segment assigned to said communication channel; for each communication channel, form a seventh sequence of symbols (vj) by a permutation of the symbols of the sixth sequence; and transmitting for each communication channel, in time slots of said frame, symbols extracted from the seventh sequence, each of said marked symbols being suppressed before transmission by each communication channel when said frame is in compressed mode, of so that said period is inactive in the course of the plot.


The information in blue was extracted from the third parties (Standard Setting Organisation, Espacenet)

The information in grey was provided by the patent holder

The information in purple was extracted from the FrandAvenue

Explicitly disclosed patent:openly and comprehensibly describes all details of the invention in the patent document.

Implicitly disclosed patent:does not explicitly state certain aspects of the invention, but still allows for these to be inferred from the information provided.

Basis patent:The core patent in a family, outlining the fundamental invention from which related patents or applications originate.

Family member:related patents or applications that share a common priority or original filing.