

Provide Physical Layer Resources To Different Service Sites

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Provide Physical Layer Resources To Different Service Sites

Application Number:


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Abstract  Abstract

Methods and systems are disclosed for providing physical layer resources to a plurality of Medium Access Control (MAC) instances associated with different serving sites that are independently scheduled. For example, the WTRU may utilize a first physical layer configuration for transmitting to a first serving site associated with a first MAC instance. The WTRU may utilize a second physical layer configuration for transmitting to a second serving site associated with a second MAC instance. The WTRU may prevent collisions between transmission requests from the first MAC instance and transmission requests from the second MAC instance. For example, preventing collisions may include utilizing one or more of time isolation or frequency isolation for transmissions associated with the first MAC instance and transmissions associated with the second MAC.


The information in blue was extracted from the third parties (Standard Setting Organisation, Espacenet)

The information in grey was provided by the patent holder

The information in purple was extracted from the FrandAvenue

Explicitly disclosed patent:openly and comprehensibly describes all details of the invention in the patent document.

Implicitly disclosed patent:does not explicitly state certain aspects of the invention, but still allows for these to be inferred from the information provided.

Basis patent:The core patent in a family, outlining the fundamental invention from which related patents or applications originate.

Family member:related patents or applications that share a common priority or original filing.