


Communication terminal device and radio sending method

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Communication terminal device and radio sending method

Application Number:


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Abstract  Abstract

A communication terminal apparatus that exhibits a shorter time period required until a start of communication and causes the throughput in the wireless communication system to be less reduced. In this apparatus when the number N of retransmissions notified by a response determining part (107) is zero a subchannel-to-be-used selecting part (108) selects a subchannel among others which exhibits the highest order one of the reception qualities of the subchannels notified by a reception quality determining part (106) and then notifies the selected subchannel to a subchannel allocating part (113). When the notified number N of retransmissions is one or more the response determining part (107) selects a subchannel which exhibits the N-th lower order reception quality than the highest order reception quality based on the reception qualities of the subchannels notified by the reception quality determining part (106) for a pilot signal received after a transmission of the latest access request signal and then notifies the selected subchannel to the subchannel allocating part (113).

The invention claims a communication terminal device the device to the communication start time is short and it is hard to cause the reducing of the thruput of the wireless communication system. sub channel in the device use sub channel selecting unit (108) when the retransmission times of the answering judging unit (107) informs is 0 selecting each sub channel notified by the reception quality measurement unit (106) of the best reception quality of sub channel selected and inform the sub channel distribution unit (113). In addition side channel when the retransmission times of the notification is more than 1 times to each sub channel by the reception quality measurement unit (106) for the nearest access request signal after transmitting the notification of the received pilot signal reception quality downwards from the best sub channel number equal to the retransmission times of notification of the sub channel is selected and the selected and inform the sub channel distribution unit (113).


The information in blue was extracted from the third parties (Standard Setting Organisation, Espacenet)

The information in grey was provided by the patent holder

The information in purple was extracted from the FrandAvenue

Explicitly disclosed patent:openly and comprehensibly describes all details of the invention in the patent document.

Implicitly disclosed patent:does not explicitly state certain aspects of the invention, but still allows for these to be inferred from the information provided.

Basis patent:The core patent in a family, outlining the fundamental invention from which related patents or applications originate.

Family member:related patents or applications that share a common priority or original filing.